The beach is a beautiful place. Who wouldn’t know the beach. Sun, sand, wind and waves! But what if the waves are not? What to do if you can not surf. Don’t even kiting. What then? Lie? Sunbathe? Bored? The most adventurous place on Earth is the beach. And literally.A production inspired by the aesthetics of the California Retra, the new circus and the culture of the alien, which you would definitely not expect from this file!

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The Audition

The audition

As over-the-top acrobatic show as a massaged CV. Losers Cirque Company are bringing the new show – The Audition – and only the audience decides the winner.

Earliest date
9.11.2024 19:00



Is there a way to save a troupe that is falling apart and prove that the long-term on-stage hard work wasn’t in vain? The heroes of our new performance, professional acrobats, wish to create a revolutionary artistic piece with an extraordinary spiritual and cultural value. Something that goes beyond them. A spectacular play that is going to change their lives forever. Their magnificent project needs to be paid for first though, so they become (as many other artistic ensembles) fully dependant on generosity of grant committees and fickle favour of the audience. They’re willing to sacrifice just anything to achieve their goal: their own money, pride, and even their health.

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The foreigner

The foreigner

Losers Cirque Company uvádí originální kabaret v režii Radima Vizváryho, s hudbou Ivana Achera a choreografií Miřenky Čechové. Verše básníků, zpěv tajemného cizince a dechberoucí akrobatická čísla se na jevišti Divadla BRAVO! spojí v poetický obraz, na který si vzpomenete při každém pohledu do zrcadla. Vkročte do světa, ve kterém se emoce mění jako jarní počasí, a možná najdete odpověď na otázku: Proč já jsem já?

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The ego forces us to always be the best, to always be on top, always right. The ego is the number one master that everyone must worship. What happens when another man enters the ring at one of the sports tops. Younger, more energetic, physically more powerful. The ego says, “You have to wrestle! But the breath is no longer enough, muscles say service, anger and frustration obscure the mind … The story of a man who has to go through the inner hell to hurt his own ego and get much more knowledge – namely that physical strength is far from equal to mental, and that no battle is the best battle won.

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Car accident. Polytrauma. Narcosis… What happens in your brain when it is in critical condition in the operating room and your life is in foreign hands? Are you running into your fantasies and dreams, or are you doing a fierce fight? The clash of the real operation and the inner world of the injured. It is timed to learn about her heroism and set out with them on an exciting and adventurous journey through her body. The mission’s goal is one: survive!

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Collapse, part of all lives, everyday experience that destroys, bores and crushes. A collapse that will be made, hardened, tightened, or only routinely returned without noticing and realizing its presence. Without collapse you can not scroll your options, you can not go forward, you can not exceed your shadow. We are interested in the essence of collapse, what he does with the individual and what is the opposite with the whole company. Does the company turn to a collapsed back? Will the company use the collapse of an individual or offer a helping hand?

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the loser(s)

The winners of the first edition of the Czech Republic’s television competition have talent – THE acrobatic duo DaeMen, they approached other performers from the ranks of dancers and acrobats and under THE production of their own artistic agency United Arts, a new theatrical acrobatic project THE LOSER was created. S), to which they invited the acclaimed choreographic Persón Jarka Cemerka. Although only half of the DaeMen duo, the Acrobat Petr Hornicek, appears in this project, even though the viewers have still a lot to enjoy…

Earliest date
28.10.2024 19:00



Zlá panovnice si díky svým nadpřirozeným schopnostem podmanila už skoro celou zemi. Její snažení se pokusí zvrátit Mimja, bojovník ovládající starodávné bojové umění. Sám to ale nezvládne. Proto přijímá do učení tři výrostky, kteří mu pomůžou královnu porazit. Jedině společně mají šanci do země navrátit klid a mír. Podaří se jim to? Losers Cirque Company poprvé v historii uvádí představení i pro ty nejmenší. V dobrodružném příběhu boje dobra proti zlu nechybí akrobacie, pantomima a humor.

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Through the Air

Through the Air

A dance-acrobatic performance on the motif of Richard Bach’s “Jonathan Livingston Gull”.
The performance was based on the skeleton of the story about the Seagle, which, thanks to the passion for the flight, had overcome its boundaries, learned to fly and thus inspired other Sears in the flock.

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Walls & Handbags

Somewhere in town, in the yard of the block home, stands a wall. The wall is a challenge, a test of courage, but also a start to imagination. And there’s a piece of luggage that hides our childhood, our former desires. We used to wrap them up. A small boy and five adult men return to the yard to the wall with a bag in their hands to regain their boyly fantasies. The whole world can be behind the wall. Just climb it up and take it and look at the city from a bird’s eye view.

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